Northwood Elementary
Principal: Molly Bascom-Keller, Ed.S.
Northwood Calendar:
January 13: PTA 7:00 pm - virtual
January 14: 4th Grade Concert 7:00 pm @ Northwood Cafeteria
January 17: Lockdown Drill
January 20: No School - MLK Day / MLK Day Event @Berkley HS
January 22: Northwood Nests
January 23: PTA Reflections Assembly
January 24: No School - Teacher Records Day
January 29: Late Start First Bell 9:20 am
January 30: Kindergarten Information Night 6:30 pm
Late Start Wednesdays
- On Late Start Wednesdays, professional learning is taking place for staff.
First bell for students is at 9:20 AM, second bell 9:25 AM.
Homework Club: 8:20-9:20 AM,only for students who are signed up. Students enter through the main office.Homework Club Form
- Breakfast Club: Student can be dropped off anytime from 8:55-9:10 AM - free and no sign up necessary. Students enter through the main office.
- 2024-25 Late Starts: September 11, 18, 25; October 9, 16, 23, 30; November 13, 20; December 11, 18; January 29; February 5, 26; March 5, 12, 19, 26; April 23, 30; May 7, 14
Non-Late Start Wednesdays: Northwood Nests
- On many non-late start Wednesdays, we have our Northwood Nests meetings!
- Students are in multi-aged groups led by a staff member to work on our OAKS positive behavior expectations and character traits.
- See our PBIS section below for more information.